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How to add a photo to a notice (after it has been published)?

Adding a photo to a notice after it has been published:

The photo space is intended to display a photo of the deceased only. In the absence of such a photo, the default lily image displays.
IMPORTANT - we advise against using an image, other than a photo of the deceased, or the default lily. Should you, the funeral director, upload an alternative image, you are responsible for making sure that you have complied with any copyright pertaining to that image. 

To add a photo of the deceased, you will need to receive a photo of the deceased (best by email).

When you receive the photo, as an email attachment, double-click on the photo and save it in a location on your computer where you will be able to find it later, e.g. on the D Drive in a folder called “Photos”.

IMPORTANT - if the photo you receive has been taken 'Landscape' format (shown below left), then this is how it will display frontend and so you will need to "rotate" that photo so that it displays correctly in 'Portrait' format, then save it in that format on your computer.





Landscape format Portrait format 














To add a photo AFTER the notice has been published, click “FD Area” tab on the navigation bar at the top of the page (as shown below)


Find  the notice you wish to edit.


Click the “Edit” button opposite the name of the deceased, whose notice you wish to add a photo to (shown below).



This opens the notice in its ‘raw’ state, where all the fields are visible (like when you were entering it).

Click the “Browse” button opposite where is says “Add photo” (see below)



Navigate to where you saved the photo on your computer (e.g. Drive D/Photos/)


Double-click on the photo to add it. You will only see how the photo looks, by viewing the notice frontend.


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Update notice”


You will only see how the photo looks, by viewing the notice frontend.


If you are unhappy with the photo or you wish to restore the original (default) lily image, simply click the “set to default” button (shown below) and click "update notice" at the bottom of the screen. Again you will only see how this looks frontend.



Troubleshooting photos:


If you have followed all the steps correctly and the photo is still NOT showing frontend, then it is usually one of two reasons:


1. the image is too large, so you need to re-size it and upload the smaller photo.


2. the name that you saved the photo as  contains unusual characters such as brackets, apostrophes, commas etc. (in which case save the photo by a different name, avoiding the use of unusual characters  then upload this re-named photo).




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