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Quick Overview of New Features

We have kept the format for adding notices as close to the old site as possible, while at the same time adding some new features including:


1. Church maps to display with notices (please see video on maps)


- check maps in your area & let us know, by email, if changes are needed.

- place maps you use most often into your "favourites" folder for speedy access.

- you can add the cemetery maps in your own area. 

- maps can be added as you publish the notice, or after it has been published.


2.  Attach a  notice to more than one town/county at the touch of a button! (see video on publishing a death notice)


   -  we will use town/county address dropdown menus for “tagging” purposes only.


So, if someone was from Bray, Co. Wicklow and Clonakilty, Co. Cork, these would be selected from the dropdown menus.

Then the full notice,  exactly as you wish it to read and complete with the full address is entered into the notice.


The effect of ‘tagging’, or attaching, the notice to specific towns and counties means that people who are looking at Co. Wicklow notices will see that notice and also people looking at Co. Cork notices, will see that same notice, as the deceased was (at some time in their life) from both places.


There will be only one notice, with one condolence book, but this notice can be attached  to several counties.


3.  display notices in “recently published” list until (and including) date of burial or cremation (see video on publishing a death notice)

- by default, notices remain in the Recently Published list for 2 days.

- if you need it to display in this list for longer, select the burial / cremation date from the calendar.


4.  a simple way to handle “funeral arrangements later” notices (see video on Funeral Arrangements Later)


- when entering a notice you will see a new "Funeral Arrangements Later" box.


- tick this box if funeral arrangements will only be available later. This causes the following happen:


The words "Funeral arrangements later" will automatically display on the notice frontend until you untick this box (when you add the arrangements).

This notice will remain in the list of “Recently Published Notices” for a max.
of 5 days or until you untick this box (when you add the arrangements).
You can then specify how long this notice continues to display in this list for,
by selecting date of burial or cremation from the calendar.

A red FAL flag displays alongside that notice “backend” to remind you to add details.

An FAL flag displays alongside that notice “frontend”, so visitors can see that arrangements will only be available later.

5.  easy formatting of death notices (same as you would format a Word document)


- no more struggling with html code!
- enhance the layout of your notices, yourself, by clicking the icons highlighted.

B = bold
I = Italics
U = underline


The "center" text icon is also useful to enhance layout.




6. Statistics

Note - this function has been updated on  August  20th  2016.


- while logged in to FD Area, click "statistics" tab across the top navigation



- it may take a few seconds while stats for your notices are gathered,

so be patient!


- you can now see how many times any notice has been viewed 

since August  20th   2016.

(previously only stats for the last  2 weeks were recorded)


7. Manage your own Buy & Sell Area


- advertise items you have for sale and see what other funeral directors have for sale

- upload photos & text & remove this advert once your item is sold.


8. Suppliers Directory: 


- find a list of suppliers to the Funeral Industry in Ireland


9. Profile - edit your details (for the footer that shows beneath your notices) here


10. Help Section


- here you will find guides to how to use the site & answers to frequently asked questions

- training videos are also available here.


11. The new site is “responsive”, which means that the display of the page ‘responds’ to whatever device the site is viewed on, whether desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

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