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Publish a death notice

To publish a death notice on, simply ask your funeral director to do so.  This is a free service to bereaved families and   all funeral directors in Ireland have secure access to the site for the purpose of   publishing death notices for funerals which they are undertaking.


In cases where, for example, a funeral is taking place abroad, the family can contact directly and we will liaise with the funeral director who is handling the arrangements.


Given the sensitive nature of the information on, we cannot accept notices directly from the public. Similarly, we cannot make changes to a notice published on the site by a funeral director, such changes can only be made by the funeral director.

The only way to guarantee that a notice appears on is if the funeral director publishes the notice on the site. 


All notices placed on are archived on the site and can be found by searching: surname, county, town or date range. The only information we have available is that which is given on the site and our records go back to July 2006.

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